It’s no secret the hot spot for savings within healthcare organizations has become their extensive purchased services and outsourcing agreements. While the supply savings rock has already been turned over and squeezed for every dollar, many untapped savings are lying within an organization’s purchased services contracts. However, the biggest challenge in finding savings in purchased services is discovered as soon as the analysis begins, “…how do I even know if this is a good deal?”
MedAssets, Novation, Premier, HeathTrust or Amerinet. Are these names familiar?
Seprio has been negotiating purchased services contracts, inside and outside of healthcare since 2000. Sure the GPOs will advertise their abilities to assist with purchased services, however, the proof is results and savings driven. Seprio work in healthcare has always been in IDNs that already have a GPO presence and at times even a GPO consulting presence in purchased services. So the question abounds…how does Seprio differ?